Logos II
Audi Q7

The different events during the introduction phase
of the Audi Q7 were connected by a campaign logo.
The logo emphasized the typical characteristics of an SUV — high shoulder line and suspension, wide-base tires — and illustrated the offroad aspect with a design somewhere between woodblock and brush drawing.
The logo underwent a number of permutations, both in preparatory drawings and the final artworks, until a well-balanced combination of positive and negative shapes was found.


For use at POS and on packaging, the traditional underwear manufacturer's logo was translated into a 3d look and integrated into a bilingual seal of quality.
The transformation of 2d logos into a 3d look might well have been one of the noughties' most dominant design trends.

Handelskammer Hamburg

For billboards and ads for the Hamburg Chamber of Commerce, the classical city arms, dating back to the Middle Ages, was recreated in 3d and modified for individually themed campaigns.
For its target audience, a city's arms are, of course,
a most familiar sight, known since childhood. Its new translation into a quasi-photographic 3d look creates an unusual tension between „official“ and „trendy“.


This logo was supposed to identify a group of particular BOSCH partners. The first briefing tended toward „Mac OS UI icons“, but during the process of realization, it became obvious that this approach yielded somewhat outdated and particulate results.
The second step lead to a simplification. By approx-
imating the look of app icons, the logo itself was turned into a Power Tool rather than just displaying one. An additional benefit: the rectangular shape allowed for differently sized alternatives.