Logos I

The Swedish carpentry and building firm GregmarBygg offers a wide range of services around the house, from façade and bathroom renovation to interior finishing, decorating and flooring.
The symbol of the spirit level proved to be ideal for both reflecting the broad range of services and visualizing a commitment to high standards of quality.

conmusica is a consultant company for music schools and other educational establishments, advising their clients on the planning and execution of music educational programs.

The emblem was conveniently derived from the corporate font. The reversed initial letter and a simple colon added up to a stylized bass clef. The logo works well even in extreme miniaturization.

Icons for
App, folders
and favicon
in actual size

D2K Visual Concepts are Leonie Daisy von Arnim and Anna Klein. They offer — as the brand name implies — concepts for the visual design of brands, products, events and persons.
D2K emerged from the label Daisy2Klein, under which Klein and von Arnim cooperate as costume designer/stylist and stage designer/set decorator.

Lean Production

Lean Production is a post production company.
The idea for this logo and the slightly „russified“ font came from the client.
What was missing, was a suitable visual in the style of propaganda billboards.
Business Channel

The CI-agency of business and finance information service provider Business Channel had decided upon a logo featuring a motif from Greek mythology — a rider on a dolphin. After a series of test-illustrations, a style reminiscent of early 20th century woodcuts was chosen.
Ballett und Tanzen

Claudia Witt has been teaching dance and gymnastics to all age groups since 1995. The method developed by Agrippina J. Waganova in the 19th century forms the basis of her teaching. Since 2011, the classes offered by Witt are operated under the name „Ballett und Tanzen“.
The logo — a modification of the Latin ligature „et“ (ampersand) — graphically expresses dance-like swings and steps and, via its Antiqua-feeling, establishes a connection to classical music.

The logo is used in positive and negative states
and is occasionally surrounded by text.

Besides working on webdesign projects for 2d3d4d,
Jana Reidenbach teaches yoga classes.
The logo: the combination of foot and hand reminds, obviously, of yoga asanas (postures) and is filled with a Devanagari transcription of the name Jana. The illustration's style evokes hand-painted Asian billboards, as well as the idealisingly smoothed anatomies often found in Indian paintings and sculptures.

The logo is used in positive, negative and colored states and is occasionally framed by text.
die niedlichen

„die niedlichen“ is the essayistic-poetic-satirical multimedia art comic series by Felix Reidenbach. It was printed in the music magazine „Spex“ between 1990 and ’99, and has been published online since 2009.
To not have a logo was out of the question for a series which, time and again, broaches the issue of visual aspects of social relationships.